Account Setup & Registration
- Can I still use POGO if I don't own a smartphone?
- How do I send data to the cloud?
- How do I add a photo of a spot that I'm taking a sample from?
- There is no SYNC button, so I can't sync to cloud!
- Who is it for and what makes it unique?
- How does it work?
Maps and Mapping
Measurement process
- How does the POGO Pro+ measure temperature?
- Why does the POGO have 4 metal tines?
- How does the POGO Pro measure temperature?
- How does the POGO take its measurements?
- How does the sensor in the POGO differ from other sensors?
- How accurate is the GPS?
- How many measurements should I take per area?
- How long should I put the POGO sensor in one location before I take a reading?
- How long does it take to charge?
- How long will the batteries last when charged?
- Can I replace the tines on the POGO?
- Why does the POGO utilize a mobile app to view its readings?